A history of dedication to the community

Connecting + Community Event Space
The history of the Bowness hall
The original Scout Hall was built in the early 1930’s and served the Scouts and community for almost 60 years. However, the Hall was in dire need of repair and renovation. After an inspection of the facility in 1990, it was discovered that it would not be possible to bring the building up to current building codes, and it was decided at that time to leave it as is and the idea for a new Scout Hall was born.
The original Hall was administered by volunteers and supported by parents, however, eventually a formal committee, named the Bowness Ratepayers Scout Association, was formed to administer the Hall. In 1990 Bowness Lions Club partnered with Bowness Ratepayers Scout Association to build and support financially a new Scout-Lions Hall. In the summer of 2011 the old Hall was demolished and with funds raised over last 20 years, construction began of the new Hall on the same location. The estimated cost of the project was $1.5 million.
Our Club members were excited about this project, not only because it would provide a much-needed facility for Scouts and Guides, and the Bowness community at large, the Lions Club would be able to use the lower floor for a Lions Clubroom, and finally have a “home”.
Besides the Lions Club members, the Bowness community got behind the project with donations and volunteer work. Financial support came from individuals, businesses and some corporations.The Scout-Lions Hall was basically completed and available for occupancy in mid-October 2012. Funds were raised for parking lot paving, installation of audio-visual equipment and completion of the main Hall commercial kitchen. The Hall is owned and administered by the Bowness Ratepayers Scout Association. It has become a focal point for the community of Bowness.The Hall has been visited by two International Presidents – PIP President Wing Kun Tam and President Bob Corlew (then Vice President).
Written January 2017 E. Tysowski